Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mental Embellisher Giveaway

Through some online shopping I stumbled upon an amazing Etsy shop that I had to share with all of you. Mental Embellisher is a great shop for unique jewelry with a little edge. Metals with a hint of Steampunk, everything you're looking for under the tree this year! I loved learning more about this shop, turns out Mental Embellisher is based out of France, just like me! An original Londoner transplanted for 20 years now. The line really relates to the diverse cultural influence behind the brand. And GREAT NEWS, Mental Embellisher is teaming up with The Embellished Life to offer you an amazing giveaway to get you excited for Christmas. Maybe a great gift for someone...or just a nice addition to your own collection (no judging I'd do the same thing haha)!
*photos compliments of mental embellisher*

Yes they really do say that. How fun to make a statement with your handmade jewelry? I had to put the vampire cuff links in here in honor of Twilight's New Moon United States movie premiere today! And I think the Stud/Bitch pendants would be a great wedding gift for a good friend, you can't top that.

Where do you find your inspiration?
I have been fiddling with jewelry for a few months now and find it is a perfect way for me to be creative without taking up too much space! I also do very large mosaic murals, upholstery, and all other sorts of creative stuff. Putting vintage bits and bobs together with a pinch of humour and preferably an insect or two is what I prefer, and I get enormous pleasure from knowing that people all over the world actually own and enjoy wearing my work...

I have collected vintage typewriters for many years and love to give another life to the really decrepit ones by turning the keys into earrings, cufflinks, necklaces or whatever the client wants. I am the only person on Etsy to customize them in the way I do, it's a painstaking task, but well worth the smile it gives people when they see their guy wearing a pair of cufflinks that say "well hung" or a pendant that says "lush"!

This venetian mask ring was my discovery to this shop, and I fall in love with anyone that shares my obsession with wings and feathers! Bonus: Mental Embellisher loves to do custom orders so if you have a great idea, she will be glad to accommodate your desire!

What is your creative process?
Sitting at my kitchen table I am surrounded by pyramids of stuff to be upcycled, recycled, monocycled, stroked, glued and sewn. I get a thrill just sitting next to it, let alone doing anything with it. Typewriter keys make me weak at the knees, wings make me feel all unnecessary and romantic and the locket fixation stems from some childhood event involving my mother's jewelery box... 'Swapsies' used to take place in the school playground somewhere in the grey 60's, a small group of us seven year-old girls, bare-kneed and huddled around treasures recently and oh-so-secretly prised out of our mothers' jewellery. We had pearls and charms and 'coloured' diamonds which had varying swapsie value, depending on just how much the other girls coveted them. (sorry Mom)!

Some of more lovelies from Mental Embellisher, original earrings and a dangly charm necklace. Such a vintage feel, I love them both.

Mental Embellisher is giving away to one lucky winner a $15 Gift Certificate!

To enter you have many options to increase your chances!
(and leave a separate comment below for each option you choose)
1. Go to the shop HERE and comment below about your favorite item.
2. Be a follower of The Embellished Life
3.Tweet this post on Twitter
4. Become an Embellished Facebook Fan HERE

The winner will be chosen at random on midnight {NYC time} Sunday, November 22.
Good luck everyone!


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