Friday, November 20, 2009

There's a Super Hero Kid in You

Perhaps this post is inspired by my little boys, or the fact that after watching hours of the original Astro Boy, we saw  the movie (which was an interesting mix between A.I., Lord of the Flies and Wall-E).

 So, you super heros of craft-opolis, get started on your hero logo t-shirt with Ambrosia Girl's nifty screen printing tutorial and visit her (non hero specific) superhero party ideas!

Create a coat rack wall using salvaged drawer fronts to hang those super hero capes. (or use wood planks and interesting knobs if you don't feel like leaving a beat up old dresser nekkid)

Immerse yourself in Monster Gallery's grunge pop robotic hero Japan-esque pop art prints

Then, enjoy a slice of robotic cake love with a Threadless design Threadcakes cutie. (okay, so he's not technically a 'superhero' but a sweet little introverted robot... but Astro boy was robot and superhero, so robot's are okay, plus he's cute and the colors match, so why not include the little guy!?


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