Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gorgeous George

Over my little Christmas break I got the chance to see Jason Reitman's Up In The Air.  I wasn't sure what to expect, it seems that anything overhyped will invariably let you down and the reviews for this movie have been pretty great.  I wasn't disappointed.

Full disclosure:  I've been in love with George Clooney since, oh, about the age of 7, so I might be a tad biased.  Still, George love aside, I thought the movie was entertaining and certainly topical considering the current economy.  The film is funny and has a lot to say about the need for human connection.

I'm not exactly a movie buff, but I know what I like and I was entertained by this movie.  George's character Ryan Bingham spends most of his life on the road in his role as a corporate downsizing expert, doing the occasional speaking engagement where he urges others to unload their metaphorical life backpacks of the connections and responsibilities that they've accumulated.  I think it says something about Clooney that he can make such a character both relatable and pretty likable. I also thought that Anna Kendricks was really great as the uptight young efficiency expert who (lucky her!) gets to head into the open skies with Clooney.  

{I thought some gratuitous Clooney would be just the thing to brighten up a cold winter day}

Have you seen Up In The Air?  What are your thoughts?

Alla Prossima


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