Monday, March 29, 2010

My dearest readers...

I have a question for you.
A rather boring one I'm afraid.
A while ago someone mentioned that they weren't receiving the feed from this blog, despite being a subscriber. Last night I tried subscribing to myself (haha!) and none of the feed was coming through. I was a bit horrified as (in my view) what is the point of having a blog when none of the readers can actually read it?

So I did some google searching to try and sort this out. I am absoutely rubbish at bloggy stuff. I don't understand any of it. But I was up til 1 o'clock in the morning trying to work it out!

So here's my question: Has anyone else has trouble receiving my feed?

I guess if I don't get any answers to this it means YES. But it's worth a try!

And if you are.. please try subscribing using the new button on the sidebar. You can choose pretty much any reader once you go through that button I think.

So there we go, the most boring post I have ever written! I am so over my head in all this technical blogging business! Maaaan I wish I had more money to employ someone to do all this boring stuff for me!

Lots of love as always xxxxxxxxx



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