Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fashionsiration: Magic Carpet Ride

Aladdin is one of my favorite Disney movies. As a little girl I just loved the idea of being whisked away on a magic carpet to somewhere spectacular with my daring Prince, I far preferred that to a boring horse. Even then I was longing for the extraordinary, the things that not everyone had. I love playing around with my wardrobe and finding new creative ways to pair things, I rarely wear the same outfit twice, there are just too many options to limit my creativity. When I saw the trailer for Sex and the City 2, I was taken away by Sarah Jessica's turban ensemble and vowed to soon make that apart of my own wardrobe. I have had some trouble finding it in stores, and with hats I am usually too skiddish to buy them online without first trying them on. So as my hunt continues, here's something to fuel the fire.

Do you have a magic carpet ride ensemble?


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