Saturday, May 1, 2010

Just a minute MAY

I can't believe it's May already! This whole college year has sped by! Here are the rest of my Just a Minutes.

In MAY I am...


The Sound of Butterflies by Rachael King. I got it for Christmas and thought it would be appropriate to read it now due to my final major project being on butterflies. I am living a bit of a butterfly-themed life at the moment! It's really easy to get into and I am really enjoying it. It's definitely a page-turner!


Date Night
I thought the title of the film sounded so cheesy and rubbish but it actually made me laugh a lot. Though it might have been made better for me as my friend and I had the whole cinema to ourselves. Hence lots of dancing on the ledge in front of the screen and running around eating sweets. I can be such a child sometimes!


Grape Nuts
If you haven't heard of them before... they're nothing to do with grapes and they're nothing to do with nuts. They're a really yummy, healthy and addictive cereal! I wish the boxes were a bit bigger!


Waaay too many Caramel Coffee Frappuccinos
These majorly off-set the healthiness of the Grape Nuts! I'm not that big on Starbucks (I'm more of a Pret a Manger girl!), and I used to hate the Frappuccinos. I still hate the cream ones but give me a Caramel Coffee one with no cream anyday!

Me enjoying one of those lovelies outside my school last April

Listening to...

She & Him
Zooey Deschanel's band. She has a stunning voice. This is my favourite song... A Sentimental Heart


My besties.
Still. Oh so much.

I look forward to seeing other Bloggers' Just a Minutes!
Lots of love

Picture sources: Book, GrapeNuts, the rest are my own


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