Monday, November 1, 2010

Book of the Week: Remember Me?

So, full disclosure, I'm not a huge fan of the Shopaholic series even though I did enjoy the movie, mostly because I think Isla Fisher is adorable. I've found that I like Sophie Kinsella's non-Becky Bloomwood books much better than the Shopaholic books that made her famous. Case in point, Remember Me?, a book I've been meaning to read for awhile and ended up finishing in one sitting. It seems a shade more serious than Kinsella's previous novels, but I didn’t mind that as the premise was intriguing to me. To wit, what happens if you wake up one day and you can’t remember your life—not your job or your husband or why exactly you have been nicknamed Dragon Lady? How did this become you and why can’t you feel anything for the gorgeous thing who has pledged to love you until death do you part?

This is the situation that Lexi Smart finds herself in. After waking up from an accident with amnesia she realizes that she’s suddenly a perfectly groomed glamazon who is married to a seemingly perfect man that makes all the nurses swoon. Lexi is rich and successful and can’t even recognize herself or her life. What happened to the girl with the frizzy hair and outspoken friends? After leaving the hospital Lexi receives a Marriage Manual from Mr. Ideal Spouse to let her know everything about them and their life. Except that the life Lexi is supposed to be living doesn’t seem to be one she wants anymore.  And as the novel progresses Lexi finds that she may have had secrets in her life that can't be found in her Manual. In the end I felt satisfied with Remember Me?, the questions it raised and the ending Kinsella provides for Lexi.

Have you read this one? What's your favourite Kinsella book?

Don't forget to enter the Big Tinsel giveaway!


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