Thursday, January 27, 2011

Holy Mixed Media Batman!

Darlings, I love art. Art Studio was my minor in college and I logged many hours happy, albeit caffeine induced, in my university's studio building drawing, sculpting, and processing film. So when I come along an artist whom I really admire I love to showcase them to my!

Sandhi Schimmel Gold recently came across my inbox and I was tres triste to find I had missed her showing in NYC! I would love to see her work at a gallery event! Maybe she will be back soon...

{Merci Schimmel Art for the pics}

Mixed media normally grabs my attention, but the way Gold has mixed Fashion Pop Art with it has resulted in a stunning collection. Edgy, unique and utterly demure I am officially smitten. If only one could be hanging on my exposed brick wall I do believe my Manhattan Bachelorette Pad would be complete! For her works in process and her inspirations you can also check out her blog here.

Take on Lady Luck in the latest giveaway!


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