Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ray Bans: Aviator vs Wayfarer

There are some gorgeous sunglasses out there,  but I always gravitate towards Ray Bans.  Now that the sun is staying up longer (YAY for Daylight Savings) I'm feeling the need for a new pair of shades. But I can't decide, should I go for Aviators or Wayfarers?

Let's take a look at the Aviators first. Bausch & Lomb developed the aviator style in the 1930's, were popularized in WWII when General Douglas MacArthur sported a pair and were all the rage starting in the 1960's up until now.  Look who's a fan of this classic style:

Jennifer Anniston

Johnny Depp. Rarr....

Don't know who she is, but she is gor-ge-ous!

And the ever fab Mrs. Beckham 
(how great do gold aviators look with a man's gold watch?)

Wayfarers, on the other hand, were developed by Bausch & Lomb in 1952 as one of the first styles of non-metal sunglasses.  The Wayfarers were "a mid-century classic to rival Eames' chair and Cadillac's tail fins," according to design critic Stephen Bayley. This "new wave" style was popular throughout the 50's and 60's, lost some momentum in the 70's, but the hit their pinnacle of acclaim in the 80's and are currently experiencing a resurgence. 

Audrey Hepburn

So which would you choose? Aviators or Wayfarers?


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