Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Take a Fashion Week Seat to Naeem Khan

Naeem Khan is one of my favorite designers so it is no surprise that the highlight to my Fashion Week for Autumn/Winter 2011 was a surprise seat at his fashion show! I was giddy with anticipation as I waited for the lights to dim, the crowd to simmer, and the show to start. My first New York Fashion Week had been a chaotic culmination of my wildest dreams and this was the cherry on top. I sat and waited in awed silence as I mentally recapped my amazing week and all the fashionable excitement whirling around me. Dream realized.

The show for Naeem Khan was like walking down the memory lane of Classic Hollywood. I felt at any point I was going to see Ginger Rogers skip down the catwalk, followed by the sashayed elegance of Grace Kelly. Every dress was sheer luxury.

A note from Naeem Khan:

This collection is an exploration of artistry, technique, and heritage coming together to redifine the glamour of the cosmopolitan woman

 The details in this line were exquisite. Immaculate beading, ostrich feathers...embellished all over the place!

Any day, any time, I am a sucker for backless dresses, Naeem Khan is no exception. Many of the his dresses at this Fashion Week we fitted and conservative...until the model turned then BAM! sex appeal!

 Many dresses had that fitted, flared Red Carpet appeal, but I really liked when Naeem Khan began to play with the shape. Short fluffy ostrich feather mini dresses next to loose chiffon draped gowns...perfect blend.

My favorite dress...one that literally made me gasp was this paisley chiffon, feathered dream in muted purple. The flowy fabric is ethereal and paired with the whispering feather shrug... I was ready for an excuse to wear this dress immediately!

I tip my cocktail hat to Naeem Khan, he takes home the Gold for most inspiring designer I saw through New York Fashion Week. He certainly delivered a show stopping finale for those with a seat to one of the last fashion shows of the week. 

How did you enjoy Naeem Khan mes cheries?


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