Welcome to the final chapter in the Art of Giving Saga, artful embellishing.
Part 1~ Artful Packaging
Part 2~ Artful Tagging
Today's topic we will be focusing on those extra special embellishments for your package that will give it that boost of personality, and a bit about HOW to pick out the perfect gift.
First, for picking out the perfect gift, think, does this person collect anything? Great! Then think again, is this person tired of this collection, would he/she pull out their hair if they get another owl/mirror/western movie/golf mug/necklace... Do they talk about how much "clutter" they have and they have no more room for "knick knacks", these are some clues to try and take a different route.
Think, what kind of hobbies/activities do they enjoy? What colors do they decorate with or wear? Do they love to cook, bake, read, be lazy, blog? Do they prefer organic, nature inspired or vegan items? Do they love pottery, vintage china, geneology? For inspiration, go to Etsy's Gift Guides, which has a lot of ideas for many personality types and occasions. The gift guides are a good place to start getting your brain turning for something not likely to be found in a mall. If this persons loves movies, thrill seeking, theatre, pampering, consider planning an evening out for an event rather than say, a gift card (which for many people, are perfect). Perhaps nearer to Christmas, I will revisit this topic, so lets get on with the packaging!

First, I take you to My Konos. She is a truly amazing jewelry artist, and has mad skillz in creating lovely supply packs. Paper millinery flowers, vintage ribbon, lace... just you go and pile it all up on a tissue wrapped gift and what do you know, you have a treasure. Try wrapping your gift up in sheet music, newsprint, a scrap of fabric, tissue paper....
Now, Nester. Her ragamuffin theme has gone crazy on a foodie gift. She tied up some lovely fabric trim, tassels a bell and a note and there you have it, no wrapping paper needed!

Lastly, Unfinished Business. She makes jeweled embellishments already for you to just add on to your package, easy peasy.

Now, here are my contributions. I gave this lovely acorn bird feeder as a gift and instead of wrapping it or putting it in a bag, I embellished the rope with a feather, watering can, skeleton key and a cream ribbon.
For more ideas, I wrapped a book in ribbon and lace, and added embellishments that could easily be tied or glued together. I would recommend getting a circle of felt as your base, gluing everything to that and then tying your decorated felt tag to your wrapping ribbon.

tulle, vintage seam binding made into rosettes and a vintage brooch

tiffany blue satin-ish ribbon, vintage watch face, shell, vintage chandelier prism

tiffany blue ribbon, pink millinery flower, vintage rhinestone brooch, chandelier crystal

ticket stub, drink umbrella, pink heart jewel, green vintage bead, green flower, gold trim

shell, brooch, key, watering can, feather

black lace, spool, rhinestone, brooch, watch face, gear

pair of earrings (as a second gift), shell, flower, lace

wooden lady, feather trim, lace, flower, rhinestone brooch

same as above, but with a photo slide and buttons
Anything is possible, just use your creativity and spare craft junk you have laying around (it's a great way to destash!) For lots more ideas, visit Sande of A Gift Wrapped Life, the queen of packaging, and she also has an online shop, Oooh la la Cadeau where you can purchase lovely gifts along with lovely wrappings. (some of her amazing packages below)

If you could go out and package a gift today, which idea above would you most likely use as an inspiration, or do you have any other ideas?

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