Monday, March 1, 2010

Herb Crusted Salmon and Asparagus Recipe

This is our dinner. I'm not a big fish person, and when I do make it, dill and lemon juice are usually involved... and I was just not in the mood for that.

So, using this recipe as inspiration, I came up with my own ingredients list since I didn't have half of what was called for. I found this site on substituting for teriyaki sauce and the A1, oj and Worcestershire turned out even better than teriyaki. And, even though we have gourmet Parmesan cheese given to us by a cheese scientist, I forgot to add it!

♥ Herb Crusted Salmon Steak ♥

1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1 egg
1 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
1 teaspoon basil
1/4 c water
1/2 cup pulp free orange juice
1/2 cup A-1 steak sauce
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 cup chopped red onion
1 tablespoon minced garlic
2 pounds salmon steaks

1. In a shallow, medium bowl mix Parmesan cheese, Italian seasoned bread crumbs, spices.
2. In a medium saucepan over medium heat, blend A1, orange juice, butter, red onion and garlic. Cook and stir until onions are tender.

3. Press one side of each salmon steak egg and dredge into the Parmesan cheese mixture. Place steaks crust side up in saucepan with sauce mixture. Cook over medium high heat until most of the liquid is reduced, 10 to 15 minutes, then flip with a spatula. Continue cooking until crust is golden brown and fish is easily flaked with a fork.
♥ Asparagus ♥
I usually blanch* asparagus first, to maintain the nutrients and green color, and to stop it from turning mushy during cooking, but I didn't this time, though I would usually suggest it.
1 lb fresh asparagus spears
1 tb oilve oil
1-2 cloves crushed garlic
1tb butter (we use smart balance)
salt/pepper to taste
1 tb seseame seeds
1. Cut off woody ends
2. Cut asparagus into 1 1/2 inch pieces
3. Heat oil in saucepan over medium heat. Add asparagus, garlic, salt and pepper. Cook on med heat, stirring frequently about 5 mins. Add butter and seseame seeds, cook until done.
*to blanch first:
Have a large bowl of ice water ready to go.

Boil a large pot of water. Now, place your asparagus into the boiling water. Cook until the asparagus turns a bright green. The time this will take will depend on how thick your asparagus stalks are. Usually takes about 2-5 minutes.
Remove asparagus from the pot with a slotted spoon or tongs and place into ice-water bath to stop the cooking process. This will tenderize the stalks a bit more, but they'll remain deliciously crunchy.

We served it with steamed rice with a touch of salt and pepper and butter and naan bread (we love our starches around here) and it was delicious... even for people who don't like fish, like me, I even ate more than 1 serving!


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