Friday, April 30, 2010

Camp Auction Night

Our church's camp themed auction was tonight. It was to help raise money for the youth to attend camp this summer, and members donated items they had/made or services. You may remember the centerpiece idea postings I had here, those had more of an elegant feel, but what we did was perfect for the event.

The little lights were made of tea lights with the plastic flame and wrapped in a red cellophane. They were very cute!
 For the centerpieces, we kept is easy and simple. We made little tents out of poster board, We got 2 regular and 2 mini sized tents per board. Using foam board worked the best, we just scored it with a box cutter for it to bend, then spray painted them. Then, we taped the bottom sides so that it would stand. At the center of the table, was a piece of burlap, a tent, a flashlight, collected leaves, acorns and pinecones and little fake ants.

The pinecones were huge and perfectly shaped! So pretty. The ones I find always seem to be smashed.

I like how they used the igloo coolers and a camping lantern for the drink table. Very camping authentic.
 In the front was a real tent and sleeping bag, with a faux fire, some nice logs and pine trees and little woodland creatures figurines, but I didn't get a picture. The scene was so cute!

We placed assorted lanterns with the nature trimming around as well. I scored 2 things for the auction for $12 that are super cute, though I maybe the only one to feel that way. But oh well, I'll show you soon!


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