Friday, April 30, 2010

Homefront: Vintage Cafeteria Serving Trays

Vintage cafeteria lunch serving trays have been popping up all over Etsy lately. I love their weight, and their smoothness. The compartments make me remember to serve fruits and vegetables (no empty spaces here). I just adore them, but they are a little costly online, especially with shipping.

So, when I found these salmon pink trays at Goodwill the other day for 99 cents a piece, I grabbed them up. They are a little lighter weight then most, but who cares, my house is not an industrial kitchen.

I love how they contour to one's body, perfect for maneuvering through a crowded lunchroom. No wildly clapping students for dropped trays with these.

They are so cute... they even make me forget that I burnt, errr 'blackened' the salmon. (it was still good though, and the asparagus and mangoes, divine!)


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