Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Touch of Color

We've started to list dresses for spring at Couture Allure Vintage Fashion and my office is a riot of color. After months of dealing with winter woolens in navy, grey, brown, and black, it feels like the proverbial "breath of spring" around here. Outside, we still have 3 months of winter winds, boots, scarves, and mittens to deal with. But inside, we're daydreaming about warm sunshine and butterflies.

This cute day dress from the early 50's is one of my favorites so far. This is the type of dress a typical homemaker would wear around the house while doing laundry and ironing, washing the dishes, and caring for the kids. Who wouldn't want to do chores in this bright yellow and red plaid cotton? Today, I can see this dress worn with a red belt and red wedge sandals for a day of shopping. Sweet!

See this dress and more at Couture Allure Vintage Fashion .


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