Thursday, May 22, 2008


I have found a lot of amazing artists lately, and so here I am going to feature one of them. Aside from dolls, she also makes cute little bears and I can't wait what else she will have in store for us! So, here is the creative, talented and sweet seller of Doll Project.

"My name is Jessica Acosta--people who know me usually call me Jess. I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I am drawn to disturbingly cute things. I collect stuffed animals in the form of pathetic sea beasts (octopuses with 6 or 7 tentacles, crabs that were trampled on in gift shops etc.). I have a healthy obsession with doll making. Every box, bottle or raw material I see is potentially part of a doll. I am intrigued by the concept of fluid anatomy that dolls allow for. A doll doesn't necessarily need arms or a nose if she looks great without."

I thought the "Steampunk Romeo" from Winona Cookie would be a handsome fellow to feature with these lovely ladies!

And here is a little treat from my shop. Have a happy day!


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