Tuesday, July 8, 2008

From Hanger to Heavenly

I went on a vintage buy the other day. I found this 1960's beaded evening gown - I've seen what seems like a million of 'em in my time as a vintage seller. Hanging next to it was what looked like a matching maxi vest. It seemed odd and was likely to be really ugly in that designer knock-off "trying too hard" way, but I bought it anyway. Today, I pulled it out and put it on the mannequin.

Did you ever have the experience while shopping that a dress has absolutely no appeal on the hanger, but when you put it on, it was magic? Take a look at this.

That's not a maxi vest - it's a cloak! A gorgeous, sophisticated evening cloak that takes the dress from simple to sensational - from basic to breathtaking.

Here's the hard part. It's not listed yet. But I promise it will be available soon!


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