Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Change has Begun...

Camera Robot by Artsy

Well, "this is the way of the Bob", for anyone who knows the Big Big World show... my blog has been pretty much like me. I put something off, and then I do this suicide craft marathon, where I do everything all at once. So, I have been doing that with my blog, instead of a nice little daily message and picture, I did it all at once, like the grand finale of a fireworks show! So, I think this will be easier on myself and my readers to have simplified (yeah right) posts more on a daily basis!!

Onesie by heARTandSEW

Here goes... as a reward and a business move, I bought a new camera 2 days ago, then, last night at the evil corporation of Wal-Mart, I found the same camera (but a slightly older model) for $150 less. So... do I return the first camera and get the cheaper and slightly older model? What would you do?! The features I need like macro and white balance are on the older one as well. And I can write it off as a business expense since it is primarily for taking pics of jewelry.

Oh, and today is my hubby's birthday (I will post later about the Etsy goodies I got him)!! And, when he showed up at his internship at FEMA today, he was questioned to come in for a job interview that he recently applied for, but it was already filled. So yay, his interview is today (that was fast), so we will see how that goes!

And, I would like everyone to go and spend $10, and buy 10 of those canvas bags at your local grocery store (or, spend a lot more for a higher end, kind, it's your money). Not only do those babies save the environment with less waste and toxins polluted into the air from manufacturing, but they are super handy. I live in a 3rd floor apartment. It is quite difficult carrying up the kids with loads of plastic bags. But these canvas bags fit so much and they are so easy to carry, they distribute the weight magically somehow, so that even someone with a half broken back like me can handle half of my grocery cart at once. Please, go and make the jump today! Oh, also, on Etsy, you can buy eco friendly fruit and veggie bags, that are usually made of mesh and still lightweight, so that is great to use instead of the plastic bags at the store as well. I am going to go and order some today. Look HERE to see a selection of handmade produce bags on Etsy.


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