Thursday, October 2, 2008

1951 Weathervane Suit

Yesterday, a reader asked on what occasions a women in the 50's would wear such finely tailored suits. You can see my answer in the comments from yesterday's post, but here is another use - travel.

This is an ad for BOAC, British Overseas Airways Corporation. They show a stylish woman in a "Weathervane suit...designed for sophisticated travelers. Setting...the handsomely appointed Sky Lounge of BOAC's luxury flight, The Monarch. Double-Decker Stratocruisers exclusively, daily service. So many extras-yet no extra fare!"

The first time I flew, I was 5 years old. My parents were moving the family to a new location. They both wore suits, and my sisters and I were all in dresses. My how times have changed.


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