Friday, October 3, 2008

Loving and missing Paul Newman

Ten reasons why I love and will miss Paul Newman who died this week.

1. He was so bloody gorgeous
2. Was a wonderful philanthropist, donating over 100 million dollars to charity with the sale of Paul Newman's products.
3. In a world obsessed with celebrity he managed to live a discreet life.
4. Was married to the lovely Joanne Woodward for over 40 years.
5. Started a childrens charity camp for under-priviledged children that was inspired by Butch and the sundance kid.
6. Never went the plastic surgery road.
7. Gave back... worked at the Actors studio in New York for years.
8. Was humble... what a wonderful attribute.
9. He was a great actor.
10. And above all, a class act....


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