Monday, March 23, 2009

Keep Calm and Carry on

My lovely Karen has introduced me to countless strange and wonderful things that I will forever cherish and adore. One of them being the story of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor.

Their story is a very bizarre and quite addicting one (he gave up his right to the thrown to marry a 2-time divorcee from America that supposedly had an affair with a gay man in the 1950's, just to name a few). So when I ran across this story I was suddenly intrigued to start Dancing with the Devil again.

I started it a year or so ago but only got a few chapters into it (my attention span to books isn't too great). But after hearing about Madonna playing Wally I've got to pick it up again and check out some more. Who doesn't love scandalous stories about the Royals and WASP's? And who better to play Wallis Simpson than Madonna??


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