Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Keep On Keepin' On.

A few weeks ago I wrote about the importance (and history) of the "Keep Calm and Carry On" adage.

And I mentioned this phrase alone could induce me to buy a Jessica Kagan Cushman bracelet.

As luck would have it, Gilt Groupe had a JKC sale shortly thereafter....

(I always love Gilt Groupe's packaging; it takes the "sample sale" aspect out of, well, the sample sale!)

Look at that lovely hand: So calm. Carrying on with elan.

In honor of the Tour de France, which I will be catching the tail end of this very Sunday in Paris(!!), here's a little treat I found on Etsy:

Only Wednesday? Already Wednesday? Either way only a single day now stands between you and Friday, and between me and Paris!


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