Thursday, September 10, 2009

And another summer has gone by...

I'm nostalgic that summer is over but at the same time I'm glad that Fall is here. My summer hasn't been eventful as a certain someone is not here but I didn't feel alone as I was either working or was hanging out with friends.

The fireworks - Actually I didn't see a single one this year except for the one when Quebec was shooting where we stopped in the middle of the street to see it. My friends find fireworks boring, I still like going to watch it, maybe I'm getting old. I remember those times where we used to go almost every week, meeting up in Chinatown then hang out there, walking to Old Port and eat buns there to wait until it finally starts.

okonomiyaki - Japnese pancake. It looks delicious doens't it? I don't know how it's supposed to taste like but I think ours wasn't fully cooked and smelled too much like fish.

Matsuri - Matsuri is a japanese festival held yearly at Montreal's Old Port. It's the first time that I went there. It was blooding hot on that day and we went when the sun was rising the highest so it wasn't a good idea. I still enjoyed it, I didn't see much from the shows but I loved the sushi there. It's freshly prepared and costs only 3$ per box. The wasabi actually tasted like real wasabi. You can rent a Yukata for free for 1 hour there and they put it on for you. I couldn't breath because of the bow, it's very tight >___<. Random home made food XD.
I love bulgogi!

BBQ ribs at a friend's house. I ate like a pig.

And here are my last purchases of the summer. I've been on a shopping ban since then, not voluntarily.

Zara Flower shirt and striped blazer. $9.99 and $29.99

Zara Shirt, hanako - now we have the same shirt =D $7.99

And lastly THE BARGAIN BUY OF THE YEAR. The infamous Zara cream blazer for $19.99 from $149 in my size XS from Carrefour Laval. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it, I thought it must have been a price mistake or something. Maybe it was indeed as the other ones were still $49.99. I find it so unfair that there's different prices on the same items depending on which Zara you go to.

Since then I didn't buy anything, good girl.


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