Wednesday, September 9, 2009

cherished chats.

[part of daisy hill on the west side of campus, august 2009.]

Today after my math lecture i hopped on the bus & rode to west campus to stop by my dad's office. I made sure that his schedule was open around noon so I could come by to eat lunch with him before my next lecture at 1pm. {I've made the mistake of stopping by unexpectedly and ended up sitting outside of his office for an hour waiting for a student to finish meeting with him...& then, of course, times when other professors stop by his office for "professor-y" things.} evidently he is very popular.

I love going to my dad's office. but even more so, I love chatting with him about various things.

we discussed my Berlin lecture & how American universities were modeled after the University of Berlin.
last week
we talked typography.

and i loved every minute.



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