Sunday, September 13, 2009

My dream kitchen

Polly AB and I were talking about kitchens the other day for some reason. That night I lay in bed when I couldn't sleep and dreamt up my dream kitchen. Is that weird? Well anyway, this is what I would have...

All white, and spacious, maybe with glossy cabinet doors

A Smeg fridge, for sure

A glass splashback, maybe with a pattern behind to bring colour and pattern to the kitchen

I love Eames chairs. Maybe these DSR ones, or the DAR armchair ones

Piles and piles of flicked-through cookery books (just like my Mum's!) stacked on clean white shelves

I would have a whole wall of my (future) children's artwork

And another wall with a collection of gorgeously patterned random plates

I'd like a chalkboard to write down recipe ideas and to-do lists (and maybe cheery messages like this!)

Perhaps I'd have some open plan shelves above the work surface, so all my (future!) beautiful kitchen-ware can be on display...

...such as a collection of cake plates, just like Nie's

With a ridiculous amount of Rice products please! To add splashes of colour

And my favourite retro-style latte bowls from Anthropologie

I think I will have to continue dreaming for quite a few years yet! It's really stupid isn't it - I haven't really got my priorities rights... I have planned my dream kitchen in great detail, and the names of my future children, but I can't even make the decision of what to do after art college which I need to make by this October! Oh deary me...

Polly R xxxxx

Image sources: 1. 2. Conversation Pieces 3. 4. Design*Sponge 5. unknown 6. Brownbutton 7. desiretoinspire 8. unknown 9. tumblr 10. desiretoinspire 11. lovelydesign 12. nienie 13, 14, 15. Rice 16. unknown


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