Friday, January 29, 2010

January Pondering & Giveaway Winner

Well, January is finally coming to a close and with that comes the established tone for the coming year. How have you done so far on your resolutions? I don't really care for them so much myself as I feel they set you up for failure, but the goals I have placed for myself to accomplish this year in general are shaping up quite nicely. I am increasing my brand awareness for Embellished through buzz marketing and this blog. I have been consistantly running, and getting much further along in my training for a marathon...10 mile runs are what I'm up to now! And I have reached a place where I can enjoy my time here in France and savor the things I have here while I have them!

*photo compliments of mylittlepipsqueek*

Now all I have to do is busy myself over the next little while to pretend that I am not missing the Super Bowl this year! I look forward to it all year, and I don't think I have ever missed the big game in my life, so being in France will be a challenge!

How is your 2010 shaping up thusfar?

Now for the news you want to hear, here's the winner of the Gossimar Wings Necklace Giveaway....

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...Anastasia of Matt's Crafty Wife!! Congratulations on your unique handmade necklace, I know it will make quite a statement!

If you missed out there is already another giveaway going on that is live for more than another week! Don't miss your chance to win some amazing Mineral Makeup!


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