Friday, October 1, 2010

Wintery Workspaces

Found this amazing tumblr via The Seventy Tree and have been scrolling through it ever since. I'm wishing I had a beautiful studio space like these to work in. I can imagine sitting cross-legged on my chair with a hot chocolate drawing for hours on end. It's getting to that time of year when I just don't want to go outside due to the weather! I'm going to miss having an open fire this winter for sure!
I'm going to get round to photographing my new space eventually to show you all. It's nowhere near as lovely as my room in London, but I've tried to make it as homely and as "me" as possible. I got my timetable yesterday and the minimum hours are university are 9am to 5pm so I think I'm going to be pretty busy!
Have a great weekend


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