Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Changing Ur Clothes

As usual, I'm always more productive when the husby is away on business. So, hopefully today, I'll tackle some projects I've been putting off for months. One of which will be the closet. I have a plethora of clothing, and wear maybe only 10% of them.  It's a physical representation of how much brain power we actually use at any given time *myth*. Due to changing body shapes, changing styles, changing from working to being a stay at home mom... who knows when I will ever be 'changing' into this things again? (see what i did there, so clever). It's time to shop the closet and get creative, or say 'bye bye'. I love those fun little shop your closet, the remix outfit of the day, cut and resew tshirts, type clothing blogs, but then it's just something else to get addicted too and I really can't let that happen, now can I? Do you have any favorite blogs like that? Right now, I'm lovin' The Daybook, Have a Cute Day, Writing RainbowsTotally Tessa, Kristine Machine, Righteous Republic, Clothed Much, Dwelling and Telling, Kendi Every Day, The Sartorialist, Some Girls Wander, Selective PotentialDelightfully Tacky, Sincerely Jules, MoMoMod.... If so, please link.. or not, I suppose...


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