Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just a minute FEBRUARY

Hello lovelies! Is it just me who is glad that January is over? Every day takes us closer to Spring and warmer weather! Here are the rest of my Just a Minutes.



Black Swan. Seriously worth going to see! I didn't realise it was going to be so creepy and a little bit gruesome, but it was amazing, and I wish I could do ballet now!
Plus a bit of 90210 on a Tuesday :) I'm addicted.

Looking forward to...

My friend visiting me at uni this weekend. So excited!

Listening to...

French music to get me in the mood for Paris. In a week! Carla Bruni, Camille,Yann Tiersan.
Also a bit of Harry Potter audiobook on Youtube in the evenings. It helps me to relax, haha!


Summer holidays. With my family, with friends. I can't wait to just lie on a beach! That's all I want right now.


Loads of gross student houses. And starting to panic that we won't find a nice one! We saw two last week and have nine booked in for this week. Wish us luck! Looking at houses isn't as fun as I thought it might be.

What are you up to at the moment?


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