Tuesday, February 22, 2011

{Scotland} part six: a day in edinburgh & my italian-scottish-american inspired lunch.

My last day abroad I ventured to Edinburgh from Glasgow by train.  As soon as I stepped out of the train station, I was eager to explore &decided I didn't really need a map, or, ya know, any sort of reference.  So I confidently walked. and walked. and walked. and finally decided to ask someone where I could possibly find Princes Street.  They looked at me, turned around to to where the big hill was I had just walked down for 30 minutes & said, "Miss, it's right up that hill, at the top you'll turn right."

About 25, long, leg-burning, minutes later, I finally found it.  But first, I was hungry. Naturally I went to an Italian restaurant- where I most certainly ordered a hamburger.  I mean, sounds logical, right? Turns out, Italian-restaurants-in-Scotland hamburgers are very different from the kind here in the states. Not in a bad way, just completely different. So after I had my scottish/italian/american inspired lunch I ventured on. There were two things I was determined to do in my 12 hours in Edinbrugh: see the castle, buy my wellies.

...I just decided, mid-post, that those two individual events deserve their own posts. Yeah, trust me.  Obnoxious, noteworthy situations occurred & details are necessary. very. castle-&-wellie-posts to be continued. ; )



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