Friday, April 1, 2011

Sweet Valley High: Ten Years Later

Confession time: I'm crazy excited for this book.
Like, excited enough to buy it, excited.

Almost as excited as I was when New Kids
started touring again.

Jessica and Elizabeth are now 27 and
Boys were likely involved.

The Twins Back in the Day [via]

I know this isn't going to be the best read ever,
but there is something to be said for nostalgia.

And I can't wait to find out what all the characters have been up to.
Jeez, I'm talking about them like they're people. 

I can't believe the first Sweet Valley book came out in 1983--I was 1!

So, tell me, am I the only one here?
And when are we getting the new Babysitters Club book?
Happy April Fool's - I hope everyone has a great weekend!


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