Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Million Dollar Decorators

Have you had a chance to watch Bravo's new show "Million Dollar Decorators"?  I was quite excited to watch when I heard Mary McDonald was part of the cast (remember this post and this post?) and I was not let down with the larger than life characters.

Does Martyn Lawrence-Bullard remind anyone else of Lord Barkis from Tim Burton's "The Corpse Bride?"

Also, if Martyn is reading this, I want to let you know that this is an Eames chair:

... this is an Eames chair...

... and this is an Eames chair...

This is NOT an Eames chair:

...but is in fact Mies van der Rohe's Barcelona Chair from 1929, about 25 or so years earlier than any Eames chair.  I don't mean to get nit-picky, but if you are going to claim you are a world renowned interior designer, at least get your design history straight.  These are modern icons we talking about here!!

I am excited to see what chinanigans pop up for the designer's to the rich and famous!


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