Friday, June 3, 2011

R.I.P. Espresso Machine

I was woken up yesterday morning by an especially distraught husband. There was much flailing about and, if I was a better wife, there should have been some soothing and hand holding. As it was, the hour was ungodly and I'm not that understanding, so M had to suffer the loss of his beloved espresso machine on his own.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good coffee as much as he does. Still, the loss of the beloved espresso machine didn't exactly move me to tears. I winced instead. With all the expenses we've had lately we didn't exactly need to add another to the list, but c'est la vie, right? Plus, I do love a shiny new toy as much as the next girl.

So while M set out to find us the bestest machine our money can buy I hopped online to see what I could scrounge up. Admittedly he was the more practical one in this process. He was looking for a dual boiler (essential for us, apparently) in brass and all other types of things I don't really understand, but I'm sure I'll appreciate once it's sitting on my counter. (And no totally automatic for him. Just like his cars M likes to be able to control his coffee.) While he did practical I got kind of distracted instead. By pretty.

If Only the Rose Gold Matched My Kitchen! Elektra Mini Verticale

Aren't these machines just so nice looking? Apparently the first is not what we're looking for, but wonderful to look at nonetheless. Hopefully we'll have a machine by the end of the weekend. A weeping husband can really be disconcerting for a girl.

How goes your week?


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