Wednesday, April 23, 2008

eVintage Blog Tag - I Want Candy

Time once again for the eVintage Society blog tag. I've been tagged by Carol over at The Vintage Bulliten.

1)The colors of CANDY! What’s your favorite candy colored vintage piece in your collection?

Easy! It's gotta be this fabulous 1960's pink tulle bubble hat. Looks just like a swirl of cotton candy on top of your head! Not a part of my collection, but for sale on my site.

2)What’s the sweetest accessory you’re offering right now, or if you don’t have one for sale, tell us about one of your own!

How about this pair of 1950's pink Springolator shoes? Sweet enough for ya?

3) Sweet tooth? What’s your favorite candy?

Chocolate Reisen......drool.

4)Ice cream…..chocolate or strawberry, and why?

Chocolate again. Why? Cold strawberries just don't work for me.

6)Is your personal style sweet or salty? Explain!

Hmmm, I think I walk the line right between the two. I'm a classic Boston gal.

Tagging Lizzie at the Vintage Travel Journal!


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