Friday, September 12, 2008

"Baby Hurt"

So, I was online in the Etsy labs with Matt's discussion addressing resellers, and what we can do to prevent them. All of a sudden, Caleb starts crying (he is sitting right next to me, playing with my toe, I am rubbing his cute little head.) I look, and I see Isaac has a huge, sharp pair of fabric scissors in his hands. Caleb has a little dab of blood on his forehead, so I pick him up, wipe it off and I see no cut.

scissor shirt by Phipps Art

I am comforting him (have taken the scissors away of course), so I begin to nurse him as I look for the cut, and I see nothing. I look up and all of a sudden, Caleb and I are DRENCHED in blood! I immediately start sweating like a mad women, pick him up and rush him to the bathroom. I put him in the bathtub and am searching his body for the wound... he is so covered in blood, that I can't find anything. (Keep in mind, that he is not crying at this point... he is actually playing with the blood as if it is fingerpaint). Isaac is running around saying "baby hurt, baby owie, baby got cut"! My dog is barking, weaving in and out of my feet (tripping me as usual) as I search for compresses and medical tape.

scissor necklace by Mack

Well, after I jump in the shower with Caleb to rinse him off, I find the cut is on one of his fingers. It's quite deep and definately a good chunk is gone. I am panicking, on the verge of crying, still sweating. I jump out of the shower and am trying to compress the wound, I can't find medical tape, so I grap clear packing tape and I tape the gauze down around his finger, and around his whole dang arm to keep the sucker on, because he keeps ripping it off. We get dressed in non bloody clothes and I rush him to our local Care Now. Running down 3 flights of stairs with 2 kids while having a near heart attack, in flip flops and wet hair is no fun, mind you.

band aid sugar cookies by KukisKukas

I get to Care Now, and the Dr. ends up being a former high school acquantiance. Yeah, I am majorly feeling like an ugly failure right now. I am there for over an hour, trying not to tie my rambunctious 2 year old up, all the while, filing out paper work AND holding the compress on my baby's hand. Well, I asked the Dr. do you ever have to stitch babies up this young? She looked a little embarrassed and quietly said, "he is the youngest I have ever needed to stitch up." So, a couple hours later, we are home, with antibiotics, 3 stitches (really looks like it needs a couple more). Great. Give me the mom of the year award right now. Well, it turns out someone DID give me a little blog award! So, once I clear my mind, I will post all of that info and hand out some blog awards myself.

stiched wrist cuff by Greenbelts

As a side note, in my defence, I DO recognize that having a crafting business entails lots of little dangerous things that accumulate around the house. Just the other day, Isaac got into my jewelry supplies and dumped out all my small metal findings. Hubby and I spent a good 3 hours picking tiny pieces out of the carpet. I have locked things up, put them high on shelves in hidden drawers out of reach, installed baby gates and childproof locks. I take great care in putting items such as these away after use, and yet these things still happen. I have actually gotten rid of many things (including furniture) in order to have a safer home, and I am at a loss right now. I am even considering just getting rid of everything and calling it quits. It is a very tough decision, and I am really trying to figure out what to do here. Any advice would be helpful. Advice or sweets. Or liters of root beer. If you would like to send me cookies for my crazy day, feel free to email me. I like brownies as well. A massage at a day spa would be most welcome.

photo by Boopsie Daisy



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