Thursday, January 8, 2009

Miles Redd

If I ever get in a position to hire an interior decorator there's no doubt in my mind who I would choose. Miles Redd was introduced to me by my Creative Director at my last job and I instantly fell in love with his style. At first glance of his portfolio I was immediately smitten with his use of color. He mixes so many different elements that work together that give you that, "WOW" factor.

Redd's the "
decorator of choice for clients who want the trappings of tradition in a vivid modern frame" says this New York article. Who wouldn't want that?

He's got a Rene Gruau illustration in his bedroom! Love, love, love it.

Wouldn't you love to call this townhouse home? He does. I'm jealous.

Here's a video of him showing his home. Not only is he super talented he looks like he would be super fun. I need to move to New York and become his apprentice.

NY Social Diary also has some great photos of his townhouse here.

Thanks to Style Court for the Miles Redd inspiration.


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