Friday, March 6, 2009


There's a feeling of Spring in the air, and with it, a beautiful excitement . . .
Am fashionably late and completely delighted to announce that the winner of Jezebel's lovely rose gold earrings from the new Vagabond Picnic collection is . . .

{Anne from The City Sage!}
** Congratulations, Anne! **

{p.s.} a wrap up of this week's posts:
* a certain calm
* lovely dreams
* luisa beccaria fall 2009rtw
* inspiration: pink & orange

{images: 1 - editorial: American Classics, magazine: Vogue April 2004, stylist: Evyan Metzner, model: Jacquetta Wheeler, photographer: Arthur Elgort; 2 - amazing butterflies created from discarded beer cans in New York City by Paul Villinski via apartment therapy}


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