I had lunch with my former professor, dear friend, and wisest advisor, JS. After our meal at Zorba's, Princeton's favorite Greek diner, JS and I crossed the street to the Princeton University Art Museum. Several years ago when I was JS's research assistant, he received final approval and funding to curate his dream show at the museum. I had the distinct pleasure of finally seeing that show, entitled "Outside In" (coincidentally the title of my Senior Thesis), on exhibit, and was given a tour by the man himself. The New York Times' review declared the exhibition "smart, visually impressive" and "handsome...expands our understanding of Chinese art beyond the roster of experimental artists who tend to dominate...museum surveys." Despite this obvious praise, JS particularly prides himself on the reviewer's inadvertent compliment, wherein he called the show "overly scholarly." I have long considered JS to be one of the wisest people I know; it's reassuring to discover that the NYTimes is similarly intimidated by his brilliance. Conversing with JS always restores my confidence and reassures my belief that I belong in the field of Art History.
One of the best aspects of Reunions is the opportunity to catch up with friends in the Tents. Each celebrated class, divided into multiples of 5 (5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, etc.), has its own Reunions tent with a different theme and a different musical act each night. Though each tent offers a unique flavor of fun, "The 5th" (honoring the class of 2004 this year) is the place to be while you're young. I always run into great friends there.

JE '07 and JRW swear they're glasses twins, but I'm simply not buying it.
(BTW, JE, I seriously might take you up on the Buenos Aires offer...)
We strolled to Palmer Square (Princeton's downtown shopping area) and had brunch at Small World Coffee. My mac & cheese was miraculous, but even more delicious was this tip jar display which aimed for the jugular: comparing the Gownies to the Townies.
Orange and Black (and a zip code bag) abound at J. McLaughlin:
I also stopped at the University Store to pick up something for TAG...

Evidently the excitement there was too much for certain baby tigers to handle:

After our errands, EJS and I threw on our new sunglasses and headed to the P-RADE!

New sunnies: EJS in Michael Kors and CJM in Chloe
The P-RADE has four important components:
1) Beer Jackets, Costumes and Blazers
2) Friends
3) The world's cutest babies
4) Dogs dressed as tigers

A giant caterpillar, with butterfly gloves (not quite sure what this was all about...)

Fun beer jacket (not sure which class) and a Class of 1989 circus ringleader costume.

2001 beer jacket: the 00's are the tiger's eyes.
Tiger Cars:

My creeper photo of Lauren Bush '06:

'08 Babies: MDH and END (because she's the Be All END All...)

AWC '07 and her FANTASTIC NEW FRINGE at Terrace // The Princeton Tower Club.

Horseshoes on the lawn at Colonial.
After a little constitutional along Prospect, and a stroll through campus, my friends and I had dinner at a local favorite, Thai Village, and then headed down to the baseball field for the
Annual Fireworks show!

Following fireworks, The Bunny and I attended a performance by Quipfire!, one of Princeton's improv groups. With a poster like this, how could I resist?

Shirley Tilghman, our university president, riding a tiger in response to "The Orange Coats are Coming!"
Instructions: One if by land. Two if by sea. Three if by Dinky.
After some much-needed laughter at Quipfire's show, we headed out for a final night of dancing in the tents:

'07 Love: MKR, an exhausted but happy CJM, and LAB.
After sleeping in, I woke up to help CHW pack up her current apartment and move into another one. We rewarded our hard work with brunch at P.J.'s Pancake House, a dive but a Princeton classic nevertheless.

Peanut butter chocolate chip pancakes--this is a HALF order!
After brunch, I met up and had a great conversation with another of my beloved professors, EAM. She gave me great advice for my career and future and is the queen of straight talk (watch out, John McCain...). She's also great for a funny story or fifty. I hope to put her good advice to use very soon...it feels so good to have some direction in my life again, especially when it's paired with the confidence and support of someone you respect.
If only...
