Monday, May 25, 2009

Weekend Recap: TOO.MUCH.PIZZA.

I pushed myself to get out of the office for lunch and was glad I did. I was totally refreshed, due to sunshine and my view:

In the evening ALF arrived from Cambridge. We had such fun catching up. We dropped by Molly's birthday party and then wandered around the LES, which is one of my favorite neighborhoods for strolling through. We worked our way back to the East Village and decided on dinner at Cacio e Vino (sister restaurant of the equally fabulous Cacio e Pepe). Here's a photo of my yummy caprese pizza:

ALF and I joined E(B)AC for brunch at the cute Soho spot, Salt, just a few storefronts down from my favorite, Hundred Acres. This may well have been my last NYC meal with E(B)AC, who has been my NYC companion for the past two years, and my friend for nearly a decade. Her relocation is the best decision for her, but I hope she knows that she will be much missed, and thought of fondly and often.

E(B)AC with her lamb burger wrapped in pita // ALF with her veggie omelette.
After brunch, ALF and I traipsed up to Chelsea Market, worked our way through the Meatpacking District (I am SO reluctant to ever refer to that neighborhood as "MePa"), the West Village, stumbled upon my friend CP and her mother as they were moving her out of her apt post-NYU graduation, and rested our tired feet while sipping on watermelon lemonades at Sanctuary T in Soho. Since ALF had somehow never yet been subjected to my mandatory-for-all-visitors cupcake tasting, I dragged her to Crumbs. She was QUITE pleased with her Oreo cupcake selection. After a few hours of conversation and convalescence from hours of walking, ALF, The Bunny and I went to dinner at Sea. Sea serves my favorite Thai food in the city at the most wonderful prices. ALF and I attempted to watch a few episodes of AbFab, but wound up gossiping and reminiscing instead; isn't it great to have friends who've known you forever?

ALF departed early in the morning. Shortly thereafter, I headed to LaGuardia airport to see one of my very oldest friends, EMW. She was in the New York area for her brother's graduation from West Point (CONGRATS, JW!). Time was tight and schedules were hectic, and EMW couldn't venture into the City, so I went to her! I sure do love this fabulous and fashionable girl. Here's a picture of EMW (right) with her friend AMD (left), who also made the commute to LGA. We're both East Village girls and happily shared a cab home after bidding EMW a safe flight.

After a long nap, I met up with MBM and her parents, who were in town from the West Coast, for dinner at Otto. I once again ordered pizza (mostly because the pasta at Otto is, in my opinion, unappetizing), this time it was Quattro Formaggi (taleggio, mozzarella, cacio and ricotta).

I arose at the crack of 1.15pm, "breakfasted" on toast with Nutella, bought supplies for a scrapbook at Paper Presentation in Union Square, picked up a slice of pizza (yes, again) and sunned myself in Madison Square Park until it closed at 6pm. Now, after reorganizing my closet, I feel like a new woman. Typical of me, however, I have lots of work to do and have waited until the last minute to do it. This takes me back to high school/college when I would wait until the final hours of winter and spring breaks to BEGIN all of my work, thus undoing an extended period's worth of rest and relaxation. Ah, well. It was incredibly good while it lasted!

This week's rule? No more pizza.

How were your weekends?


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