Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Day Off

Normal people on their days off go to the beach, pack a picnic, lie around in the park,head to the countryside or do a spot of shopping. On my days off, I do what I do every other day of my life. I take photos. I know you are thinking 'pyscho behaviour'. I just can't get enough of it! There is always another photo to take.
My gorgeous friend Cristina has been living in a psychedelic paper and paint patterned apartment in Paris that David Lynch and the Cohen brothers couldn't dream up, even if they joined forces. This place is 'No apartment for young women'!! A woman called Maude or Shirley definately decorated it after popping a couple of heavy sedatives and the results are mind blowing. We love it, every room has a theme, as in theme park. Here are some of our out takes when the temperature got the best of us. Have a great weekend. Carla x


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