Wednesday, December 30, 2009

And The Awards Go To...

I can't thank Dawn at Alternative Bride enough for this amazing blogger award.  If you haven't visited her blog yet I suggest you do ASAP - she's all kinds of awesome!

Now I've been advised to answer the questions below with one word (harder than it might seem!) and pass this award on to six other fab bloggers (also harder than it might seem - there are so many great blogs out there!)  Thanks again Dawn!!

1. Where is your cell phone?  Desk

2. Your hair? Down

3. Your mother? Strong

4. Your father? Amazing

5. Your favorite food? Nutella

6. Your dream last night? None

7. Your favorite drink? Coffee

8. Your dream/goal? Happiness

9. What room are you in?  Office

10. Your hobby? Reading

11. Your fear? Snakes

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Nexttomyhusband

13. Where were you last night? Home

14. Something you aren't? Selfish

15. Muffins? Chocolate

16. Wish list item? Designerbag

17. Where did you grow up? Toronto

18. Last thing you did? Worked

19. What are you wearing? Grey

20. Your TV? Flat

21. Your pets? None :(

22. Your friends? Inspirational

23. Your life? Good

24. Your mood? Tired

25. Missing someone? Yes

26. Vehicle? Rav4

27. Something you're not wearing? Earrings

28. Your favorite store? Can'tpickjustone

29. Your favorite color? Blue

30. When was the last time you laughed? Today

31. Last time you cried? Sunday

32. Your best friend? Husband (M)

33. One place that I go over and over? Parents'

34. One person who emails me regularly? L

35. Favorite place to eat? Mom's

And I'd like to pass on this award to...

A Life More Fabulous

Jaime @ Doxa Home

Journeys of Mangonett

Lauren @ Pure Style Home (who just became a mommy for the second time -- big congrats!!!)

Spanky* @ Spanky Luvs It* 

The Beauty File (she also has a great birthday giveaway going on right now, you should check it out!)


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