Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Emelia Jane Photography Giveaway

As you all can probably gather, one of the things that greatly inspires me is photography. Beautiful images truly do cover a thousand words, and I have found just the photographer to place the thousand words of your choice on your own wall.

Emelia Jane Photography has teamed up with Embellished to offer one lucky Embellisher a 5x7 or 5x5 print of their favorite photo! This truly stunning work has a very talented person behind its lens, so lets learn more about Emelia Jane...

1. How did you get started in photography?
My grandfather was a great lover of photography and I became interested in cameras and photographs due to his sheer delight of taking a snap shot! We would look at old family photographs for hours and every picture had a story. I wanted to create stories as well, make sure that the memories were passed on not only though words but as images. I took my first real photography class as a freshman in high school and immediately became completely enthralled! I loved every minute; the large camera, threading the film onto reels in the darkroom and watching the image appear in the chemicals...pure magic!

2. What catches your eye and draws your inspiration?
I always have my camera by my side! You never know when you might find something unbelievably remarkable in the most mundane of places (I have been known to jump out of moving cars and crawl into an abandoned building if something catches my eye!) I am inspired by the unusual and extraordinary beauty hiding within ordinary objects. I love looking at an image and being transported to the feeling of that particular moment in time...the smell of a garden in the early morning, the electricity before a summer storm, the warmth of a loved possession. It brings me so much pleasure to know that when I capture an image in my lens, that flash in time will never reoccur, however it will live on forever in my photograph!

3. How did you decide to go from Hobby to Business?
I always thought that maybe someday I could be a photographer, work on my passion full time and then that someday unexpectedly came! I, along with the rest of my co-workers were laid off one spring afternoon last year. After years of working a full time job (and being a full time nanny after hours for my bosses child!) I was handed unlimited free time! At first I was shaken and then after taking a few deep breaths I signed into Etsy, became a seller (I was already a buyer), opened my shop and had my first sale within a week! I also pounded the pavement with my portfolio showing it to anyone who would look and started doing wholesale! Now I am doing what I love and enjoying every moment!!!

4. What's your favorite thing about EmeliaJane Photography?
I love that I am able to share my inspiration and passion with others! I am so thankful to everyone who has supported me; every sale is thrilling! I just love the fact that people have my photography hanging in there homes, that my images bring people joy is the very best gift and my absolute favorite thing!!!

5. If you could have any super power what would it be?
Oooo! It is so hard to decide between flying and being invisible! Flying would be so much fun and I could travel the world anytime I wished!!! I could be in the clouds or fly over the desert and the freedom!... BUT being invisible when ever I wanted, well think of the possibilities!!!

6. Any extra tidbits?
Other than being a photographer I am also an avid illustrator (I have a second shop I love bird watching, old cemetery’s, treasure hunting, traveling, being in the great outdoors and l adore chocolate!

That is the American Dream isn't it? Taking the bad hand you've been dealt and building from that on the dream you've always wanted. That's the beauty of Americans that I cherish so much, there is a constant idea of something bigger, we think big and we go big. This concept leads to big success, but most importantly it leads to outstanding fulfillment in the spirit of the dream bearer; a wonderful and priceless quality. Be sure to check out the Emelia Jane Photography Blog as well for inspiration at your fingertips!

Embellishers, its a 4 day contest so doors close Monday, March 1st at Midnight NYC time darlings so hurry and enter for your own piece of inspiration.

You have 4 ways to enter...but be sure you leave a SEPARATE COMMENT for each entry or it unfortunately won't be counted!

and comment below on your favorite photo
2. Be a follower of The Embellished Life Blog
3. Tweet about this giveaway
(be sure to tag @fashiondiva304 and comment the URL below)
4. Be a fan of Embellished on Facebook

Good luck and God speed Darlings!


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