Friday, February 26, 2010

Today's Soundtrack & Giveaway Winner

Wanted to share my latest musical obsession with you guys to brighten your day!

Lykke Li does many viral videos performing on city streets, and even public bathrooms! Just search her and you will see for yourself. I love how she is keeping music on the streets in the middle of life where it is alive and infectious. She is notorious for using unconventional instruments in her music, spoons, metal chains, megaphones, and even her stomping her heels!

Here is Lykke Li "I'm Good, I'm Gone"
This wasn't my favorite video link of this but the really good one wouldn't let me embed the video..bummer. So check out her stuff darlings, you won't be dissappointed!

Now for the Zig-Zags Giveaway Winner...

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Congrats to The Lone Dollier of Dolls, Etc. !!!

Not a winner today, try and change that...the Emelia Jane Photography giveaway is going on now and what an inspiring giveaway it is!

Bonne Chance Mes Cheries!


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