Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sweet Treats: Banana Bread Chocolate Chip and Blackberry Muffins Recipe

I was going to make banana bread. My last loaf was amazing... except for the entire burnt two inch layer on the bottom in that we had to hack away the delicious bread to eat. Let's just say, I'm still learning how to use this decrepit oven of mine.

I thought I would try muffins this time due to the tragedy of my first and last bread experiment. I used a very basic recipe, then as I loaded up the tin for the second batch thought, "Hey, lets have fun with this and try a few things out".

*please excuse my not so beautiful looking pan, thanks*

So, for one row of muffins, I added raisins. Another row, semi-sweet chocolate chips. Another row, blackberries... and one little muffin I mixed in all three (that one coveted muffin was delicious, especially all warm and gooey and smothered in butter!) I'm glad I mixed in some flavor, b/c quite honestly the first batch of banana/walnut muffins were a little bland.

So, as you can see, I still managed to burn these babies a smidgen... even though I seriously cooked them for almost 10 mins less than the suggested time. Maybe I had it set on the wrong heat? Yeah, that must be it... I will be more careful next time, because there WILL be a next time. I used his banana bread recipe and added a few things:

Banana Muffins with Mix-Ins

1/2 c oil
2 eggs
1 c sugar
4 mashed bananas (mashed very, very smooth.... no lumps!)

~mix all together in a bowl, then add in:

2 c flour
1 TB baking soda
1 pinch salt
3/4 c chopped walnuts
dash pure vanilla extract
1 c of either~ raisins, chopped blackberries or semi sweet chocolate chips (c. chips+blackberries are awesome)

~ Grease/flour muffin tin or use cupcake liners. Bake at 350 degrees 25 mins or until toothpick inserted in  center of muffin comes out clean. Top with a bit of butter (I use Smart Balance, makes me feel healthier) and serve.

 *If you are in a major blackberry mood, then try my scones or these ideas*

OH! Linked up to Sweet as Sugar Cookies' Sweets for Saturday linky. TONS of amazing sweets there today.


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