Thursday, February 14, 2008

Knitted entrelac hat

Liz's Knitting Home Page
LIZ'SKnitting Pattern

Women's Entrelac Hat This is an ideal first entrelac project! I made this hat over a weekend.
YARN:Worsted weight, 80% wool, 20% mohair
GAUGE:1 inch square = 4.5 sts and 7 rows in st st
NEEDLES:Size 7, Size H crochet hook
Using size 7 needles and MC, cast on 32 sts. Work 4 base triangles: *Row 1 (WS)P2. Row 2 and all RS rows: K to end of base triangle being worked. Row 3:P1, M1, p2tog. Row 5: P1, M1, p1, p2tog. Row 7:P1, M1, p2, p2tog. Row 9: P1, M1, p3, p2tog. Row 11: P1, M1, p4, p2tog. Row 13: P1, M1, p5, p2tog, do not turn (one base triangle complete. Repeat from * 3 times more. Turn work. Cut MC. Work right-side triangle: Row 1 (RS) With CC, k2. Row 2 and all WS rows: Purl. Row 3: K1, M1, ssk (1 st of right side triangle tog with 1 st of base triangle or MC rectangle). Row 5: K1, M1, K1, ssk. Row 7: K1, M1, k2, ssk. Row 9:K1, M1, k3, ssk. Row 11: K1, M1, k4, ssk. Row 13: K1, M1, k5, ssk, do not turn. Work 3 CC rectangles: *With RS facing, pick up and k8 sts along remaining side of base triangle (or MC rectangle). Row 1 (WS)P8. Row 2: K7 ssk (1 st of CC rectangle tog with 1 st of base triangle or MC rectangle) 8 times, do not turn after last rep. Rep from * 2 times more. Work left side triangle: With RS facing, pick up and k8 sts along rem side of last base triangle (or MC rectangle). Row 1 and all WS rows: Purl. Row 2:K6, k2tog. Row 4: K5, k2 tog. Row 6: K4, k2 tog. Row 8: K3, k2 tog. Row 10: K2, k2 tog. Row 12: K1, k2 tog. Row 14: K2tog. Cut CC and fasten off.
Work 4 MC triangles: *With WS facing and MC, pick up and p8 sts along left side triangle (or CC rectangle)[ Row 1(RS) K8. Row 2: P7, p2tog (1st of MC rectangle tog with 1st of CC rectangle or right side triangle.] 8 times, do not turn after last rep. Rep from * 3 times more. Cut MC. Turn work. Cont working entrelac pattern as follows:**work right-side triangle, 3 CC rectangles, left-side triangle*, 4 MC rectangles;rep from **12 times more, then work from ** to * once. Work 4 top triangles: first triangle: With WS facing and MC, pick up and p8 sts along left-side triangle. Row 1: (RS) K8. Row 2: P7, p2 tog. Row 3: K6, k2tog. Row 4: P6, p2tog. Row 5: K5, k2tog. Row 6: P5, p2tog. Row 7: K4, k2tog. Row 8: P4, p2tog. Row 9: K3, k2tog. Row 10: P3, p2tog. Row 11: K2, k2tog. Row 12: P2, p2tog. Row 13: K1, k2tog. Row 14: P1, p2tog. Row 15: K2 tog. Row 16: P@ tog, do not turn. *Next triangle: With WS facing, pick up and p8 sts along CC rectangle-9 sts. Row 1: (RS) K7, k2tog. Rep rows 2-16 of first triangle. Rep from * 2 times more. Fasten off last st.
This makes one half of the hat. Repeat the above instructions to make the second half of the hat. Sew the two sides together. Pick up and single crochet around the top oft entrelac project! I made this hat over a weekend.


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