Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What's in a Color?

"How I got my Stutter" by Madelaine


"Lovely Through The Viewfinder 12 Sticker Sheet" from Scarlet Beautiful

The hubster and I were folding laundry today (yes, he's a HUGE help!!), and I started to notice I was surrounded by one color... I looked at him and said,

"What's my favorite color?"

He said, "That's easy, gray and green."

I looked around and thought... hmmm, I think he's right. I had just put the 5th green shirt and about the 4th gray shirt on a hanger. Our sheets and curtains are green, my blog is green, everything I paint is green and I dress my boys in green. Seriously though, is there anything more comfortable than a nicely fitted heathered gray or green cotton jeresy?

Not crayon green... but lovely shades of celedon, mint julep, olive, apple, lime, kiwi, emerald, patina, verdigris, jade, forest and army... pretty, lovely, muted greens.

I looked back into my life and realized that my comforters and pillows have always been green. Sometimes, I will try and break out of the box and do something different, but it just doesn't feel right, so I go back to green.

Funny, I just looked down and realized I'm wearing green velour-ish pants. My husband sings me "It's not Easy Being Green" in his amazing Kermit the Frog voice, and it makes me happy!

Everyday Moments' "Spring Will Come"


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