Friday, March 14, 2008

Crazy and Tiring Week

For some odd reason, we have been staying up waaay too late, and paying for it in the morning all week.

We watch Conan O'Brian... my husband and I attempt his monologue "jump" (it's a lot harder than it looks) and his crazy faces.

I wake up every morning to a massive blowout in my 2 year old's room. I mean... poo, vomit, it's all over the place ... but he acts perfectly fine, it's just in the morning. Maybe it's because he keeps sneaking yogurt, grapes and bannanas? I don't know, but it's becoming very exhausting. Not to mention the constant messes he makes all day... you know, smearing hair pomade and gel, make-up (see here) and food into the couches, dumping water everywhere, knocking heavy furniture over all day long (yes, we have heavily babyproofed, he just is figuring everything out). And of course the joy of spit-up and poo explosions from my 4 month old just tops it all off. My crazy dog running and barking all day long at the neighbors sure adds a delightful touch as well. To spare the grossness in the form of pics, here is a super cute necklace from Guileless.

I came across a neat opportunity to *maybe* be a school portait photographer and I would sooo love to do it! But the dear husband can't understand why I would want to leave my children with someone else during the day, and has instead left me with feelings of guilt. Hmmmm....

I also got my first consignment order. I really would rather do wholesale, but I'll give it a shot for once to see how it all works out. It is exciting though knowing my little lovables will be on a shelf somewhere! I'm so new at this and trying to figure out exaclty what I need to have by way of wholesale/consignment terms and yada yada yada. But I am doing a lot of reading, so I think I will get it right! We shall see what will become of all this. I am hoping this to be the first of many. :)


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