Friday, March 7, 2008

Family Time:Toddler Crayon Tarts Tutorial

I have seen these around and have always loved making artwork from crayon pencil shavings, so when my son started breaking his crayons in half (and eating them), I knew I had to do something! I wanted to make chunks for them, but wasn't exactly sure how. Then I came across the Martha Stewart Good Thing for Kids Get Crafty little book.

I followed the directions and made these! Here is a little tutorial:

1. Preheat oven to 150 degrees.

2. Score the paper of the crayons to easily peel them off (my idea, not Martha's hehee). Be careful on this part!

3. Chop crayons in "pea size" pieces.

4. Place chunks in muffin tins. I only have circle muffin tins, but they would be very cute in star, heart or any other shaped tins you may have!

5. I put only 2 crayons per tin, but you can mix it up and have fun!

6. Bake for 15-20 mins, or until wax is melted. Take out of oven. I chose to take a toothpick and swirl it around the wax for a "marbled" effect. (again, my idea!)

7. Cool until hardened. A cloudy film will develop on top. Put cupcake tin in freezer for a short while and the crayons will easily pop right out. You can easily flake off the filmy residue on the sides with your fingernail. (White flakes in picture below are from doing this).

These would be cute party favors, maybe stack 2 together and tie a bow around it. Or make them in egg shaped cups and put them in the Easter basket! My son loved stacking them like blocks just as much as he liked coloring!

If you aren't up to making these, I have them for sale in my Etsy store!


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