Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bernice Bobs Her Hair? Taking a note from F. Scott...

As predicted, I have been dragging my feet about getting a haircut.

Blame my hectic work and social schedule. Blame my indecision. But the fact remains that my hair looks dull and needs a boost, especially with Reunions right around the corner.

So here's my latest dilemma: I think I want to BOB it.

My hair hasn't so much as graced the top of my shoulders since I was a child, so this would be a major change.

What do you, my dear readers, think?
  • Do I continue to grow my hair for a few months and then donate it to a charity like Locks of Love?
  • Do I keep it long for summer and then bob it in the Autumn in order to create a cute-with-turtlenecks style, a la AH? (It would certainly help if my neck was also 20 feet long..)

  • Should I altogether avoid a bob (since I will never be Audrey Hepburn)?
  • Here are some styles that piqued my interest in the last few weeks:

So, what do you think? Hair DO or hair DON'T? Summer style or Fall fashion?
I always love reading your comments.


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