Sunday, May 10, 2009

Brick Lane, Letters, Photographs and Redecorating

Woah, that's an extensive post title. But I mean it !

Today I went to Brick Lane (in London) and I have decided that I really want to go there more often. It's so lovely and there are so many interesting things to look at.
Anyway, I bought some letters (a very random buy!). I wanted to get more, but they were quite expensive (£4 for the large one, £1 for the smaller) and I am trying to save up at the moment, so I just went for the letter 'P'.
I bought the flower from a woman on the street.

Some photographs from Brick Lane (these are the only ones I took, so they aren't particularly good at all, but I like the blurry one of my friend. I accidently left it on macro setting!)
Ahhh I am listening to music from Amelie at the moment. My dad mentioned that he was going to see the guy that wrote it next week, and I just had to listen to the music from my favourite film ever! I can't wait to go to Paris next month! Think of the shopping - eee!
And today I was granted permission to redecorate my bedroom - hurrah!! What do you think of two walls this colour (click on link) and one wall white? I basically I have an attic room with slanted walls which sort of link in with the ceiling. I don't think bold colours would go very well. At the moment I have a pale purple (painted when I was about 13 or 14... eurgh).
Polly R xx


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